Naughty Poems – Long and Short

Fight or Flight!

Fight or Flight!

In the world of animals their fright,
Always leads to a fight or flight!

Not necessarily on a Royal Knight,
Whose nuts are screwed very tight!

He who lacks courage and might,
Turns himself into a creepy mite!

Venom is contained in his bite,
Tossing the victim in a sad plight.

He wants to prove his real might.
But sadly he is not very bright!

He can not stand the very sight,
Of the people who do the right!

When ones mind is full of spite,
One finds solace in every slight!

This is not how we use our height,
Or our massive body’s over weight.

One can’t bring down a kite,
Which can soar even at night!

What he needs is a cool Sprite,
To make him see the daylight!

And his mind must become white,
Whenever he sits down to write!