Naughty Poems – Long and Short

Wired or weird?

A Wired man transforms into a Weird man!


A person was worthy of being admired,

Any normal person will feel inspired;

And with utmost sincere efforts aspired,

To reach the level of greatness desired.

But when talents, due to jealousy, expired,

And Ego will not allow him to get retired;

Spirit robbed him of the efforts required;

He wished the other person to get fired!
Behaved like a man Satan himself had hired,

Though he was tired enough to get retied;

Went on and on and plots conspired;

And flung himself and fell in a mired!

A man is normal only when well wired;

When he blows a fuse, he will act weird!

The only thing such people truly required,

Is from the beginning being again rewired!